Member Artists
Featured Artists
Seven Fires is deeply honored to work with many accomplished Native American artists and crafters. Click here to explore the work of artists who contribute significantly to the Seven Fires Mission.
Art Direct
Seven Fires is committed to supporting and promoting indigenous artists wherever they are in their art business journey. Click here for direct links to artist web sites, social media campaigns, and exhibitions!
Contributing Artists
Scroll down for information about just few of the many wonderful artisans who have contributed to the Seven Fires web site.

Miranda Red Cloud
In addition to carrying on the Red Cloud family quill work tradition, Miranda is employed full time, studies business entrepreneurship at Oglala Lakota College, and is a proud Mom to two daughters.

Theresa Red Feather and Howard Blue Bird

Theresa Red Feather
Theresa is a devoted parent and grandparent who earns her income solely through sale of her artwork. Theresa's fabric, bead and leather work ranges from custom moccasins to jewelry to traditional clothing. Theresa was born in 1960 and is 4/4th Oglala Lakota. Theresa lives just outside Pine Ridge Village with her husband Howard Blue Bird.
Theresa is a talented seamstress as well as traditional artist in leather crafts and bead work. Members of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and especially the Pine Ridge community often turn to Theresa for moccasins and regalia, as she is one of the few remaining artisans creating custom moccasins and other beaded artwork using the traditional lazy stitch. Theresa is not an award-winning artist or one to show her work often, but humbly carries on Lakota tradition of supporting her family through her craft and teaching her grandchildren along the way.

Howard Blue Bird
Howard Blue Bird has won at least four awards for his work, including the Humor Award at the 2020 52nd Annual Red Cloud Indian Art Show. Everything Howard exhibits and sells is his original work. He is self-taught with a natural talent and is confident in his exacting and minimalist style. Howard works primarily in pen and colored pencil and also does etching on mirrors. “My artwork is how I make ends meet,” says Blue Bird. “All the little amounts provide food. I’m supporting a grandson now and have supported several grandchildren as well as my wife and I. My artwork provides energy toward everyday life for me.” Howard Blue Bird was born in 1954 and is 4/4th Teton Oglala Lakota. He lives with his wife Theresa Red Feather just outside of Pine Ridge.

Kevin Poor Bear
If you visit Pine Ridge village, you are likely to meet Kevin. Wheelchair bound since losing both his feet, Kevin's amazing spirit is the first thing you'll notice. Despite dealing with all the struggles of the Reservation - unimaginable to most Americans, Kevin continues to persevere through his art work, and he relies on the sale of his work to help support his extended family. Seemingly limitless Lakota imagery in his unmistakable style shines through all of his pastel on paper paintings. We have several of his works available, which are not yet listed on the web site; please inquire.

Joe Pulliam
Melvin War Eagle
Melvin War Eagle (Wanbli Ozuye) was born on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Melvin’s influences are his own ancestors, all masters of their own art, storytelling, and medicine.
As a boy, Melvin was continually surrounded by Lakota symbols and the designs of his ancestors. His elders would tell the stories of the old ways and the spirits of the land. Generations of culture and legend have flowed through Melvin’s veins from boyhood, compelling him to show the world through art and stories what it means, not only to be Lakota in modern times, but also how the art connects us all.
This reflection of traditional ancestral art combined with a contemporary modern twist pushes Melvin to express his artwork in unique ways, forever inventing new approaches in art, story, and fashion. This is why Melvin’s artwork is displayed on a variety of media. Melvin War Eagle’s work cannot be easily categorized; his exceptional designs are the product of modern life but they transcend the boundaries of everyday living to recall the magnificence and inspiration of the ancestors.
Shop our exclusive collection of Melvin War Eagle Designs.
Find Melvin on Facebook and shop a huge array of products printed with his designs at