Avery Red Cloud


Oglala Lakota quillwork artist
Avery Red Cloud is a sixth generation descendant of Chief Red Cloud...

...his art is an answer to a humble prayer, 
"to create hope and development
among the Oglala Oyate."

Oglala Lakota quillwork artist Avery Red Cloud is a sixth generation descendant of Chief Red Cloud (1822-1909). Avery’s early life was spent in California with his family until he moved back to Pine Ridge to live with his grandparents Bernard and Christine Red Cloud at the age of 10.

Avery learned the art of quillwork by observing his grandparents and before too long was helping with their small business. Over time, he took the qualities of the designs he liked most and changed them, perfecting his unique style and bringing him to the forefront of contemporary quillwork artists. Like many forms of art among the Lakota people, Avery’s entire family helps create quillwork and pass down the tradition to the next generation. Avery is inspired by the way quillwork shows the talents of the Oyate and says his art is an answer to a humble prayer, "to create hope and development among the Oglala Oyate."

Avery is a single father of four young daughters and lives in Oglala, South Dakota.

Avery's work can also be found in his Etsy Shop LakotaMadeARedCloud